Give 'em hell Pike! » Archive of 'May, 2010'

Synthia: “a new, entirely artificial life form created in a laboratory”. Is it fuck.

Today superbly illustrates the idiocy and herd-like mentality of the media. Take these two opening paragraphs from the BBC’s story on Synthia, Craig Venter’s new baby:

Scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first synthetic living cell.

The researchers constructed a bacterium’s “genetic software” and transplanted it into a host cell. 

Note how the second para contradicts the first? The world’s media, as one, doesn’t seem to have spotted this. Makes you proud dunnit? Read more »

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The Rizla election

Rizla? Because one can only approach it stoned? No, because you can’t get a fag paper between the main parties on any issue of any significance. They all agree with Nick, because they all agree with each other. This isn’t a sudden change of course, we’ve been heading here for half a century, but it’s undeniable today. The media focus on ties, wives and gaffes isn’t the cause of the superficiality of this election and surrounding debate, it’s the result of it. British politics is discussed in a superficial way because only superficial differences are tolerated. Read more »

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