Give 'em hell Pike! » Posts for tag 'bbc'

Screeching power to truth…

Listening to the Today programme this morning, reporting on the latest trillion euro THEFT as if it was a good news story, rather than dictatorial governments stealing from their people, and their peoples’ future, to toss billions to bankers and speculators, it was apparent that the BBC’s main problem is that their leading lights are stupidRead more »

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The Battle of Climategate is over. The Battle for the Internet has begun.

Is this the beginning of the end of big media? I kicked my heels on the way to work today, felt a zing of joy in the crisp winter air. Blogistan kicked some arse this week – MSM; yooor boys took one hell of a beating! Read more »

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I see a darkness

I’m worried this morning. Firstly because I got blazing drunk last night and probably made a tit of myself at a blistering gig by the excellent Butterfly Jam. So I’m lying here horribly hungover and mildly embarrassed. Oh, and the other worry is that we’re entering a period of global fascism. Read more »

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Sunny Hundal really is a twat

I was going to list the symptoms of swine flu I’ve been suffering this week. Being ill is fascinating – a tussle between the fragility of life, and the body’s surprising robustness. But just when I was reeling from the third full-sized crap in under an hour (hurrah, my body is working again!) along comes Sunny Hundal’s spectacularly misnomered Liberal Conspiracy with something even more stomach churning… Read more »

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The Big Con and the Big Lie

For a few weeks now I’ve been blissfully unconcerned by the Credit Crunch, and subsequent fall-out. I have no investments or pension, I’m not looking to buy or sell a house so the direct consequences don’t affect me. But further, I figured the market would find its balance, and this would all be small beer a few years hence – another Dot Com Crash, gone and soon forgotten. What has worried me is the usual media idiocy and uniformity of presented opinion (generally masquerading as fact), the quite pitiable reaction of the major political parties, and the general rush to ill-judged state interventions worldwide. Read more »

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