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The enduring twatishness of Sunny Hundal

When you get to my age you start to appreciate continuity – familiar birdsong, the reassuring permanence of your bathroom light switch, just where you can feel it in the dark, the way your five year old daughter inevitably punches you in the goolies while diving in for a hug… Yet the eternal, grinding, unlearning, simpering stupidity of lefties is something that I just can’t enjoy. After so many tens of millions dead, so many landscapes despoiled, so many bellies left empty and so many transgendered shot-putters exposed, why won’t they just fucking give it up? I think it’s the earnestness of cocksuckers like Sunny Hundal that irritates me most, and the hypocrisy of course.

This great “liberal” freely admits to banning and gagging any critics on his site – denouncing them first as trolls of course, to try to give his bitter personal hatred some legitimacy. And the mid-IQ clown sees no problem with doing this on a thread taking issue with the Tories complaining about being called scum-sucking pigs – “can’t they take abuse” squeaks the irritating little shite before deleting a host of abusive posts. (Missing, by the by, that the outrage concerns a minister of the crown lying, rather than abusing)

But the hypocrisy doesn’t bother him, because the ends justify the means. So it goes with the Great Climate Change Swindle – the fact that the data on the ground, as Phil Jones now *does* admit actually Sunny (because he agrees his best evidence is built on unsubstantiable claims) can’t show a statistically significant warming this past decade or two shouldn’t’ matter, because the *cause* is so great! Warmist fruitcakes all over are actually upset that the world doesn’t appear to be warming. ‘How can we deal with this?’ they wail. When you’d think they’d be pleased…

But ‘slashing carbon production’ AKA ‘creating a new Dark Age’ is the goal in itself; AGW was just the excuse. Sunny wouldn’t’ care if he was bullshitting today that an interstellar goat threatened mankind, and only reducing the range of permissible salaries to a spread of three standard deviations could save us (Party Members excused, naturally)… The rationale, the actions, the excuses, the incremental little lies and wheedles, they don’t’ matter. What matters is the grand cause, poxy equality.

Whether that be equality as billionaires or equality as paupers, he doesn’t care. To the dim and jealous, bestial parity itself is the dream… For the proles of course; Sunny has his own eyes on that juicy quango out there somewhere, perhaps a safe-seat shortlist that even Harriet couldn’t oust him from, a non-smoking, hyper-diverse and so-fucking-vibrant-you-could-shake-your-g-spot-off-with-it first class carriage on the high speed gravy train…

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16 comments to “The enduring twatishness of Sunny Hundal”

  1. That feels much better, yes.

    Lefty types are so emotionally committed to the AGW story is that it “proves” that they were right all along. Science had unequivocally established the need for the top-down control of society their hearts ache for. Some even believe that in a warming planet democracy is unsustainable and will need to be replaced by authoritarian government (they must be disappointed by China).

    It hasn’t happened often. Left-wing orthodoxy is usually in conflict with scientific findings – the reason being that science is a product of decadent bourgeois Western capitalism. So AGW means a lot to them. They don’t want to lose it.

    Heartbreaking, really.

  2. Heartbreaking, really

    I know, the world not ending and everything. Must be a real blow. Somone should make a film with Nicholas Cage, probably seperated from his family by some emotional trauma, who is preparing for the end of the world, and then the damn thing doesn’t happen because of some whistleblowing and, no doubt, Christopher Booker, and in consequence he struggles across the USA for the rest of the movie, countering powerful arguments from every corner, desperate to get to his kids in time to prevent them reading any forbidden blogs.

    I dare say they’ll have another scare story ready to roll when this one finally runs out of steam – I’ve blown the interstellar goat one now, so I reckon perhaps…. pixels make you sterile?

  3. I do feel quite dirty now. Stooping to cheap insults.

    But dirty in a good way.

  4. “Racist right-wing troll!”

    I just love the fact that he’s set up up a comment site and then jumps in to demand “if you don’t like it why bother posting here?”

  5. ‘But ‘slashing carbon production’ AKA ‘creating a new Dark Age’ is the goal in itself; AGW was just the excuse. Sunny wouldn’t’ care if he was bullshitting today that an interstellar goat threatened mankind’

    Sunny’s not worried about the Mutant Star Goat. As members of the most useless third of mankind, media types are already guaranteed a place on the B Ark, along with the hairdressers and telephone sanitisers.

  6. Bill Nighy would make a superb Christopher Booker.


    This ones a right laugh ..he got a right fuckin kickin on this one …from his own side ! : )
    The Labour Party may be in bad shape … but they’d have to really fuck up if Twat ever got a seat …

  8. Oh dear, and now the PFJ/JPF feud has kicked off again. Once again the thundering potency of leftist thinking overpowers everything in its path…

    Bill Nighy would make a superb Christopher Booker.

    I’ve a feeling he’s in the warmist camp though MrE. Nice to see you here btw.

    The Labour Party may be in bad shape … but they’d have to really fuck up if Twat ever got a seat …

    Umm, have you not noticed, Micky,, who they picked as leader???

  9. Sunny sets himself up as the next “Lefty Jesus !” : )

    Hes got two hopes ..slim and none …slim just left town .

  10. “Sunny sets himself up as the next “Lefty Jesus !”

    Fuck off..I’m the Lefty Jesus. Sunny’s the Lefty L.Ron. Hubbard.

  11. Be fair, he doesn’t say he’s *the*messiah, just *a* messiah…

    I just wish the cunt would stop calling himself “liberal”.

  12. He also never deletes anti-white racist comments on pickled politics.

    But boy do I love ripping into him on CIF, I always get deleted though.

    On a different note, try listening to some Space Ritual, its Nik Turner and some ex Hawkwind members doing it as it should be done.

  13. On a different note, try listening to some Space Ritual, its Nik Turner and some ex Hawkwind members doing it as it should be done.

    Can’t do it mate. I’m a Brock man. And when you ride with man, you stick with him. If you can’t, you’re some kind of animal.

    As Pike said.

  14. Damn missed this one. Sunny is indeed annoying – I lasted a few posts on his site, caused some annoyance and left. His heart’s in the right place but his brain is not alas.

  15. He just got even twattier … : )

  16. do you realy believe this drivel ?
    Lots of invective little intelligence.

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