Give 'em hell Pike! » Posts for tag 'harriet harperson'

Equality is for ants

I’m so sick of equality. Labour’s painful obsession with enforcing a Marxist vision of absolute equality and interchangebility, with the cell door always ready to clang shut on dissenters, is fucking up this country in a way that mere economic collapse never could. The odious propagandists of the BBC are always ready to defend the madness of course, this morning letting rip at a “meddlesome pontiff”, but it seems within the sisterhood, some at least are showing a recognition of where this lunacy is leading us. The quiet voice of sanity? Why, Julie Bindel of course… Read more »

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Onward ninja nutters

I can’t really be arsed commenting on this absurd stunt pulled by West Yorks police – to send a couple of WPCs out in niqabs. It’s just ridiculous, an afront to everything you might have thought was reasonable, rational, progressive and even effective. Improving community relations? Not in this community pal. IE, the madness is par for the course in this increasingly stupid stupid country. But… Read more »

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