Give 'em hell Pike! » Posts for tag 'notw'

It’s the POLICE, stupid!

I’ve been saying this for a fortnight – and finally the mainstream media appear to have caught up a little. In fact I’ll blow my own trumpet a little and repeat that ’speaksforboskone’ CiF comment in full. It is, sadly for the British media, still applicable two weeks on:

More misdirection.

As I’ve been saying all week THIS IS ABOUT THE POLICE.

This scandal reveals the routine, perhaps universal corruption within British police, and the intertwining of media and police. Now, we know what the media get out of it – in part – but what do the police get? This is the question the media will not ask. Just money? Oh no no no… The police get to control the narrative. They get to deliberately and intentionally, with the full support of the media, smear and hound and convict the innocent, to cover up either their incompetence, or, for example in the Dando case, cover up a broader political calamity. Read more »

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